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Can I Finish My Apprenticeship Early?

Can I Finish My Apprenticeship Early?

If you are over 19 years of age then yes, you can finish your apprenticeship early. Those aged under 19 need to stay on the course for a minimum of 1 year and 1 day. You could technically finish all your modules early, but you would not receive your certification until 366 days have passed….

Can You Do an Apprenticeship Without GCSEs?

Can You Do an Apprenticeship Without GCSEs?

Yes, it is entirely possible to do an apprenticeship without GCSEs. There are many apprenticeship places out there that do not require you to hold any formal GCSEs. That’s because apprenticeships can equate to GCSEs so are readily available to people without any qualifications at all. Apprenticeships are designed to offer an alternative route into…

Do Apprentices Get Holiday Pay?

Do Apprentices Get Holiday Pay?

Starting an apprenticeship can be a very rewarding experience. An apprenticeship is when an aspiring professional gets hands-on training for the career path of their choice. Not only do they get to learn a lot about the profession, but they also get a real experience of what day-to-day life is like on the job. Each…

Is an Accounting Apprenticeship Hard?

Is an Accounting Apprenticeship Hard?

When figuring out your ideal career, taking a look at all the possibilities and the challenges is essential. You know you want to do something that will have a fair amount of security and one that will be malleable to wherever life takes you. Accounting is one such career. But, is an accounting apprenticeship hard?…

How Old Is Too Old For Apprenticeship?

How Old Is Too Old For Apprenticeship? (Need To Know This)

More people out there are seeking the opportunity to be apprentices, but they’re worried about the age limit on apprenticeships.  Well, there’s been a misconception that apprenticeships are only available to young adults who’re fresh out of school. But again, how old is too old for an apprenticeship? The good news is that many governments…

Best Course In Computer Science For Job

Best Course In Computer Science For Job

The 21st century has shown that having more understanding and certification in computer science is essential. Unfortunately, the competition has become more challenging for those without extra qualifications when it comes to job searching. So, what is the best course in computer science for a job? As the world progresses, you get to see online…

Best Online Excel Courses for Finance

8 Best Online Excel Courses for Finance

For anyone looking to improve their spreadsheet tool usage in the finance niche, taking some courses has become essential.  You might not know it, but you can use this acquired knowledge to improve your excel usage proficiency. So, what are the best online Excel courses for finance? When you consider the rapid increase of mediocre…

Playing Scrabble

11 Basic Skills You Need to Develop in Order To Be Successful at Playing Scrabble

How good are you at Scrabble? If you’re anything like me, then the answer is probably “not very.” I used to be terrible with words and spelling. However, there are skills that can help to make a difference in your gameplay. There are skills that will increase your chances of winning against an opponent who…

What skills do you need to be a YouTuber?

What skills do you need to be a YouTuber?

Are you an aspiring YouTuber? It’s important to know that not everyone is able to achieve success on the platform.  There are many skills needed in order to be successful on YouTube. It’s not just about creating videos and getting views.  You should be consistent in the video creation of what people want & reach…

What skills do you need to be good at chess

What skills do you need to be good at chess + how to improve it.

If you want to be a good chess player, what skills do you need?  It is an interesting question because many skills can help improve your game. Some say the most important skill in chess is thinking ahead and planning for future moves.  Others believe that having great tactical skills will allow you to win…

Latest Posts

Can I Finish My Apprenticeship Early?

Can I Finish My Apprenticeship Early?

If you are over 19 years of age then yes, you can finish your apprenticeship early. Those aged under 19 need to stay on the course for a minimum of 1 year and 1 day. You could technically finish all your modules early, but you would not receive your certification until 366 days have passed….

Can You Do an Apprenticeship Without GCSEs?

Can You Do an Apprenticeship Without GCSEs?

Yes, it is entirely possible to do an apprenticeship without GCSEs. There are many apprenticeship places out there that do not require you to hold any formal GCSEs. That’s because apprenticeships can equate to GCSEs so are readily available to people without any qualifications at all. Apprenticeships are designed to offer an alternative route into…

Do Apprentices Get Holiday Pay?

Do Apprentices Get Holiday Pay?

Starting an apprenticeship can be a very rewarding experience. An apprenticeship is when an aspiring professional gets hands-on training for the career path of their choice. Not only do they get to learn a lot about the profession, but they also get a real experience of what day-to-day life is like on the job. Each…

Is an Accounting Apprenticeship Hard?

Is an Accounting Apprenticeship Hard?

When figuring out your ideal career, taking a look at all the possibilities and the challenges is essential. You know you want to do something that will have a fair amount of security and one that will be malleable to wherever life takes you. Accounting is one such career. But, is an accounting apprenticeship hard?…

How Old Is Too Old For Apprenticeship?

How Old Is Too Old For Apprenticeship? (Need To Know This)

More people out there are seeking the opportunity to be apprentices, but they’re worried about the age limit on apprenticeships.  Well, there’s been a misconception that apprenticeships are only available to young adults who’re fresh out of school. But again, how old is too old for an apprenticeship? The good news is that many governments…

Best Course In Computer Science For Job

Best Course In Computer Science For Job

The 21st century has shown that having more understanding and certification in computer science is essential. Unfortunately, the competition has become more challenging for those without extra qualifications when it comes to job searching. So, what is the best course in computer science for a job? As the world progresses, you get to see online…